One of my main duties as Co-Editor-in-Chief is designing every spread. Personally, designing was one of the trickiest skills for me to obtain. I am still working to improve the design of my spreads with each one I do, but I have made vast strides of progress since my first attempt. When designing spreads, I like to talk to the assigned group ahead of time to see what their plans for the spread are; based off of what they say I will then design a spread that meets their needs. For instance, in the case of the varsity football spread (first image below) the team had over 40 people on their roster, so in an effort to incorporate as many players as possible on the spread, I came up with a very content-heavy design. In the process of editing spreads, the decision to redesign some of them has been made. The spreads below showcase different modules I have designed for the 2018-2019 yearbook and located at the bottom of each spread are the folios that I designed for this year's book. You will find a variety of caption and quote modules, different dominant story modules and a couple of info-graphic designs I came up up with. You will also see the repetition of a couple of modules, my co-Editor and I decided that it was important to select a few modules to carry throughout the entire book for cohesion and theme purposes.
Click to magnify a photo.
This spread won "Honorable Mention" at the 2019 JEA High School Winter Competition.